2023 IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Communications (InC4)

April 21-22, 2023 (In-person and Online)

Venue: Dept of CSE, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), School of Engineering and Technology,
Kengeri Campus, Bangalore, India

IC4 Program Schedule

We are pleased to invite you to attend the InC4 2023 in Hybrid Mode (Online through WebEx and Offline (1st Day Only) at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Kengeri Campus, Bangalore, India). This page includes all of the information on the InC4 2023 Program. Click each date below for the InC4 2023 daily program schedule.

As a Technical Session Presenter, please find detailed instructions below to assist you with logging in and navigating for your technical paper session. These instructions must be read prior to logging in to your session/keynotes.

  • All the participants and presenters are requested to keep their mic and video off until and unless it is asked to un-mute.
  • Click Join on the respective Date Tab to attend/present the respective Keynotes/Technical Sessions for online attendees.
  • Join the Keynotes/Technical Sessions at least 05 minutes before the scheduled time. All the times are in Indian Standard Time (IST).
  • Paper presentation time for each paper is 10 Min and 2 minutes for Q & A.
  • The authors (presenters) will be called one-by-one in their respective Technical Sessions by Session Chairs.
  • The presenters are requested to be ready with their presentation slides and check their mic and video settings in advance.

Note: All times are in Indian Standard Time (IST).

Session Time Room No Link
Opening Ceremony 10:00-13:00 Audi 1 (Kengeri Campus) Join Webex
Keynote Talk 1
Speaker: Dr. Sunil Kumar Vuppala
Director - Data Science
Global AI Accelerator (GAIA)
Ericsson, Bangalore
Title: Data Science Life Cycle and Career Planning
Keynote Talk 2 Join Webex
Speaker: Dr. Snehanshu Saha
Associate Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems
Title: Issues in Deep Inferencing: Performance, Interpretability, Efficiency
Session Date and Time Room
CCS1: Communication and Control Systems (Offline) 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Room # 245, Third Floor, Second Block
Paper ID Paper Title
21 Securing Data using Cryptography
431 Smart Intravenous Infusion Monitoring and Alert System using IoT-based Force Sensitive Resistor and Whatabot API
539 An Optimized Clustering Model for Energy-Efficient Routing in IoT Networks
610 Design and Development of secure RFID Based Health Card for integrating Various Health Services
613 LSTM Based Container Scheduling In Kubernetes
IDA1: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing (Offline) 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Room # 246, Third Floor, Second Block
Paper ID Paper Title
65 An Accurate Speech Emotion Analysis using Gradient Boosting and BiLSTM Techniques
70 Efficiency of Machine Learning and Ensemble Models on Network Intrusion Detection using KDDCup 99 Dataset
115 Basketball shot prediction
188 Review on Brain Tumor Segmentation and Classification using Artificial Intelligence
573 Real Time Data Transmission from Underwater Network to base station using AUV and UAV relays.
IDA2: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing (Offline) 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Room # 247, Third Floor, Second Block
ID Title
464 Multi Layered Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection Using RMSE Method
469 Pertaining analysis of fracture risk in Osteoporotic patients using Machine Learning Techniques
496 Binary artificial hummingbird algorithm: a binary version of artificial hummingbird algorithm for optimization problems
505 Analyzing the Impact of BERT Embeddings on Rumor Debunking
572 Brain Tumor Detection using Hyper Parameter Tuning and Transfer Learning
INA1: Informatics and Applications (Offline) 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Room # 254, Third Floor, Second Block
Session Date/Time
16 IoT Based Intelligent Home Automation Using Automated Smart Devices
43 Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis Using Retinal Fundus Images through MobileNetV3
409 Autism Spectrum Disorder: Automated Detection based on rs-fMRI images using CNN
433 Hyperparameter Optimization of Machine Learning Models for Monitoring Menstrual Mental Health
560 Data Analysis on Hypothyroid Profiles using Machine Learning Algorithms
INA2: Informatics and Applications (Offline) 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Room # 255, Third Floor, Second Block
Paper ID Paper Title
453 Innovative Approaches for Accurate User Monitoring
522 Comparing Developmental Approaches for Game-Based Learning in Cyber-Security Campaigns
546 Optimizing Experimentation Time in A/B Testing: An Analysis of Two-Part Tests and Upper Bounding Techniques
604 Explainable IoT Forensics: Investigation on Digital Evidence
671 Sustainability Indicators and Ten Smart Cities Review
InS1: Intelligent System (Offline) 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Room # 224, First Floor, Second Block
Paper ID Paper Title
386 Controlling the accuracy and efficiency of Collision detection in 2d games using Hitboxes.
438 Depression Detection Through User’s Social Network Interactions: A Comparative Survey
471 Deep Learning Character Recognition of Handwritten Devanagari Script: A Complete Survey
504 Analytical Results of Heart Attack Prediction Using Data Mining Techniques
InS2: Intelligent System (Offline) 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Room # 225, First Floor, Second Block
Paper ID Paper Title
39 A Specular Reflection Removal Techniques in Cervigrams
185 Estimation of Community Water Consumption Using Multivariate Ensemble Approach.
632 Sentiment Analysis on Educational Tweets: A Case of National Education Policy 2020
634 Preprocessing Big Data using Partitioning Method for Efficient Analysis
670 Sentiment and Emotion Analysis of Significant Diseases in India and Russia
Session Date_Time Room No/Link
CCS2: Communication and Control Systems 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
26 Analysis of consumer behavior toward electric vehicle
442 Architectural Patterns for NFRs in Cloud Microservices
561 Scrutinization and Abstraction of Unstructured Electronic Health Records using Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning
580 Model Order Reduction of Continuous Time Systems using Artificial Gorilla Troops Algorithm and Routh Approximation
CCS3: Communication and Control Systems 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
244 Implementing Firefly Optimization Inspired Optimized Tuning of Fractional Order (FO) PID Controller for Yaw Angle Control for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
251 Pick up The Best Router Signature to Detect Intrusion by Artificial Intelligence Techniques
272 Wearable patch antenna with rectangular slots and Defected Ground for biomedical applications
305 Validation of snap-through voltages of electrostatically actuated devices with closed form equations
351 Clustering in Cognitive Radio Network Using Blockchain: Issues & Challenges
IDA4: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
6 Security Techniques in Cyber Physical System for Pharmaceutical Care Services
263 Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Learning Model
290 Breast Cancer Classification using Threshold Segmentation and voting Classification method
489 Identifying Question Intent Similarity Using Computational Techniques
636 Modified Support Vector Machine to Improve Diabetic Disease Prediction
IDA5: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
13 Conversational Agent Architecture for OTT platform Confederation Consumer Hyper Personalization and Assistance
35 A Comparative Study on Forest Fire Prediction using ARIMA, SARIMA, LSTM and GRU Methods.
56 Brain tumor detection using histogram equalization and deep learning
61 Spatio-temporal Standardized Precipitation Index Selection using Geospatial Technique
338 A YOLO-based Method for improper behavior predictions
INA3: Informatics and Applications 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 Join
Paper ID Paper Title
27 ProHealth - Improvised E-Health Care System
51 Detection and Segmentation of Brain Tumor by Using Modified Watershed Algorithm and Thresholding to Reduce Over-Segmentation
194 E2D2: Elephant Emotion and Distraction Detection Framework using Edge-Enabled YOLOv5 Deep Learning Algorithm
218 Speech-enabled machine learning-based automated attendance monitoring system through face recognition
241 Examining Undergraduate Students’ Behavioral Intentions for M-Learning using Theoretical Framework of UTAUT
INA4: Informatics and Applications 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 Join
Paper ID Paper Title
281 Fem-Scale: A Data-Driven Approach for Quantifying Degree of Individual Feminism Perspective
298 The Finest Convolutional Neural Network Model for Detecting Paddy Leaf Disease using Image Processing
300 A Technology-based Safety Travel Companion for Women
324 A Robust and Secure Image to Multi-Images Steganography
339 Applications of Explainable Artificial Intelligent Algorithms to Age-related Macular Degeneration diagnosis: A case study based on CNN, Attention, and CAM mechanism
InS3: Intelligent System 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 Join
Paper ID Paper Title
100 ADAMAX-Based Optimization of Efficient Net V2 for NSFW Content Detection
170 Crevice Identification: A survey on Surface Monitoring
222 Exploratory Review of Deep Learning Techniques for Ecg Signals Analysis
226 Recognition of sign language gesture using Machine learning
564 Multi-agent Systems for Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing
InS4: Intelligent System 21.04.2023 15:30-16:30 Join
Paper ID Paper Title
249 Impact and Performance Analysis of Various Activation Functions for Classification Problems
264 Towards Workflow Allocation using Dragonfly algorithm in cloud computing environment
278 Speech Recognition of Isolated Odia Digits Using Convolutional Neural Network
293 Non-Contact Vital Prediction Using rPPG Signals
308 Raspberry Pi Based Vehicle Seat Vacancy Identification On Image Processing
Session Date and Time Room No/Link
CCS4: Communication and Control Systems 22.04.2023 10:00-11:00 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
352 Neighbour Discovery in Cognitive Radio Network using Blockchain: Design issues & Challenges
405 Generative Adversarial Networks for Mitigating Bias in Disinformation
415 Artificial Intelligence Assistance in the Domain of Law
513 Three layered Multimodal Biometric Authentication on Smartphone using Keystroke Dynamics and Touch Dynamics
IDA6: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing 22.04.2023 10:00-11:00 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
178 A Scoping review of Deep Reinforcement Learning methods in Visual Navigation
230 Machine Learning based approaches for Identification and Prediction of diverse Mental Health Conditions
248 Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease using CNN with PSO for parameter optimization
302 Image Captioning using Deep Learning Techniques
304 Customer Segmentation Analysis leveraging Machine Learning Algorithms
485 Data Analysis and Machine Learning Observation on Production Losses in the Food Processing Industry
IDA7: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing 22.04.2023 10:00-11:00 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
311 Multi-classification of dragon fruits diseases: A Hybrid CNN-SVM approach
314 Assessment of adulteration from food products using ASD Field Spec4
328 Permuted layer-based CNN for Emotion Detection with Multi-Modality Physiological Signals
331 DL4Cashew: Deep Learning Model For Cashew Trees Counting *
335 Analytical Methods of Machine Learning Model for E-Commerce Sales Analysis and Prediction
IDA8: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing 22.04.2023 10:00-11:00 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
106 Rhyme detection of Hindi and Rajasthani Poems using Statistical-Based Method
343 Performance and Energy Aware Task Scheduling in Fog Computing
350 Performance Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms and Ensemble Techniques for Hand Gesture Recognition using Electromyographic Signals
420 Agriculture 4.0: Inculcation of Big Data and Internet of Things in Sustainable Farming
466 Real-Time Contextual Object Identification Using Convolution Neural Network
INA5: Informatics and Applications 22.04.2023 10:00-11:00 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
348 Accuracy Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms in Assorting Agricultural Crops using Remote Sensing
380 Facial Emotion Detection using Deep Learning: A Survey
404 Estimation of Water Quality Parameters Using Water Indices and GEE
434 Dynamic Determinants of AI-Based Innovation Management Practices and Sustainable FinTech: Application Preferences of AI-Innovators
440 Factors Driving the Adoption of Agile Methodologies in the Construction Industry
INA6: Informatics and Applications 22.04.2023 10:00-11:00 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
473 A Comprehensive Review of Image Steganography Techniques
478 Joint Model for Extraction of Clinical Temporal Relationships at Document level through Deep Learning
529 Automatic Bird Species Recognition using audio and image data: A Short Review
540 Node Overlapping Detection for Draggable Node-based Applications
InS5: Intelligent System 22.04.2023 10:00-11:00 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
319 Detecting Deepfake Human Face Images using Transfer Learning: A Comparative Study
326 Structural Similarity Index based Evaluation of Dark Channel Prior Algorithm
666 Mathematical Analysis of Two and Three Unit Standby System along with Goodwill Loss using Regenerative Point Technique
674 Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning Techniques: A Case Study of ChatGPT
InS6: Intelligent System 22.04.2023 10:00-11:00 (IST) Join
Paper ID Paper Title
388 Facial Kinship Verification using Computational Approaches
413 Hybrid Subset Feature Selection And Importance Framework
417 Prediction of Stock Market Analysis by Artificial Intelligence
418 Right To Shelter: A Technological Perspective in Smart Homes Through Virtual Reality
InS9: Intelligent System 22.04.2023 10:00-11:00 (IST) Join
Paper No. Paper Title
90 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tree-based Machine Learning Classifiers for Cybersecurity Threat Detection.
582 Advanced Convolutional Neural Network Model to Identify Melanoma Skin Cancer
624 Volume Control feature for gesture recognition in Augmented and Virtual reality applications
672 Mischievous URL Prediction Through Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms
673 Insider Threat Classification Using KNN Machine-Learning Techniques
Session Date_Time Room No/Link
CCS5: Communication and Control Systems 22.04.2023 11:00-12:00 (IST) Join
Paper No. Paper Title
5 Experimental Demonstration of Hybrid PLC-VLC System
552 Proactive Horizontal Pod Autoscaling in Kubernetes using Bi-LSTM
556 Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted OFDM-IM for Beyond 5G Mobile Networks: \\ ML and LLR Detector Designs
663 A Study of the Resource Allocation Mechanism for Secure Video Transmission in 5G Networks
665 Survey of Crop Identification Using Hyperspectral Satellite Images
669 A Microstrip Line-fed Slot Antenna with Inverted L- Shaped Stub for Application in Communication Systems
IDA10: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing 22.04.2023 11:00-12:00 (IST) Join
Paper No. Paper Title
566 Predictive Analysis of Stroke Prediction by using Machine Learning Implementations
570 Evolving Deep Neural Network Architectures by Sine Cosine Algorithm for Healthcare 4.0
589 Recommendations to increase the customer interaction of e-commerce applications with web usage mining
599 Establishing trust in 'Digital Cinema Initiative' compliant devices using permissioned blockchain
600 Genetic Algorithm based Feature Selection to Enhance Breast Cancer Classification
IDA11: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing 22.04.2023 11:00-12:00 (IST) Join
Paper No. Paper Title
608 Machine Learning Model to Detect Chronic Leukemia in Microscopic Blood Smear Images
616 LightUNet++: A Simplified UNet++ Architecture for Multimodal Biomedical Image Segmentation
638 Toxic Comment Classification Using S-BERT Vectorization and Random Forest Algorithm
650 Technique to improve user’s perceptibility of audio in noisy environments
656 An exploration of impact of Feature quality versus Feature quantity on model training and performance
IDA9: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing 22.04.2023 11:00-12:00 (IST) Join
Paper No. Paper Title
480 Predicting Rice Leaf Disease Outbreaks using CNN-SVM Models: A Machine Learning Approach
483 Indian Coin Detection Algorithm Using MATLAB
484 Analysis of Sentiments on Russia-Ukraine Conflict using Machine Learning Techniques
518 Sentiment Analysis of Russo-Ukrainian War using Twitter text Corpus
549 Extended LSTM-KNN ensemble model for predicting volatility in day to day closure stocks
576 Machine Learning Observation on the Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus Disease
INA7: Informatics and Applications 22.04.2023 11:00-12:00 (IST) Join
Paper No. Paper Title
262 Using Smart Contracts on the Blockchain for IoMT in e-Healthcare
548 Efficient Energy Trading and Charging System : Electric Vehicles with Blockchain
551 Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
588 An advanced cuckoo search algorithm based-reliability improvement of an islanded microgrid
597 Resolving Single-Sentence Answers for the development of an Automated Assessment Process
INA8: Informatics and Applications 22.04.2023 11:00-12:00 (IST) Join
Paper No. Paper Title
147 HIGGA: An Hybridization Approach for classification model HD prediction using Machine learning
605 Deploying NLP techniques in Twitch application to comprehend online user behaviour
609 A Compatible Hexadecimal Encryption-Booster Algorithm for Augmenting Security in the Advanced Encryption Standard
618 A Deep Learning Approach to detect Plagiarism in Bangali Texual Content Using Similarity Algorithms
644 Transforming Pediatric Healthcare with CKD using AI: A Systematic Mapping
InS7: Intelligent System 22.04.2023 11:00-12:00 (IST) Join
Paper No. Paper Title
419 Financial Services 4.0 – Future Perspective based on Mixed Reality
421 Artificial Intelligence Indulgence in Banking and Financial Sectors
437 Image Synthesis Using GANs and Diffusion Models
448 A comprehensive review on Compiler in Neural Networks
455 A Conceptual Comparison between Density-based Clustering algorithms
574 CPPER: A Controlled Partial Prioritized Experience Replay for Reinforcement Learning in its Multi-Agent extension
InS8: Intelligent System 22.04.2023 11:00-12:00 (IST) Join
Paper No. Paper Title
132 TSDRDL: Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques
468 An Intelligent Machine Learning System for Real-Time Stress Management based on a Mini-Xception algorithm and deep neural network models
474 Classifying the Severity of Apple Black Rot Disease with Deep learning: A Dual CNN and LSTM Approach
476 Detection of Guava Fruit Disease through a Unified Deep Learning Approach for Multi-classification
534 A Blockchain assisted fog computing framework for secure data sharing mechanism in smart home